Helping you to better understand the capacity impact!
Creating a solid basis by assessing the crisis driven disruption of the global supply chain with our dynamic capacity simulation. Drilling down on the impact to your terminal and prepare a data driven decision making.
As covid-19 has a continuous impact on global markets, terminal operators worldwide are challenged by changing volumes, unaligned cargo flows and interrupted supply chains. Plus the clear and present danger this disease brings to staff and management likewise.
How can CHESSCON by AKQUINET help to fight this challenge and help terminals to prepare themselves for managing the challenges?
What are the next vital steps for terminal operators in order to recover from a situation that could otherwise easily lead to a very difficult “getting back on track” challenge when volumes increase and align again? Should you not be prepared the way you need to?
We want to help you by a FREE TERMINAL CAPACITY ASSESSMENT. Get the chance to get a free-of-charge simulation assessment until June 9th 2020.
in times like these, many terminal operators are challenged by a three-stage-scenario:
A) A scenario presenting the state prior to the “Corona Crisis”
B) the scenario as affected by “Corona shut down” which is the current “state of play” and finally…
C) …the near-future-scenario that must be evaluated for an optimised way to restart your operation during and after the corona-crisis.
These steps will help you to get a better view on possible actions to take in the coming weeks. Then -as a result- we are talking about the general capacity impact and discuss with you the opportunities for a recover of your terminal operations in a smoother way: what if global economy recovers and a continuously increasing volume of containers stresses a still “Corona-affected” terminal: how can a terminal cope with the recovery-challenge?
Therefore: how exactly do we want to help?
AKQUINET port consulting offers to help you with a free simulation analysis based on our proven and worldwide accepted CHESSCON capacity tool for the two terminals being drawn out of all ones contacting us on this matter before the deadline (please find details further down).
So, we would like to help you taking decisions with more information. So would like to help you adding information from our simulation on the disrupted supply chain impact on your dynamic terminal capacity.

What exactly is it about?
A Scenario planning/ processing based on „CHESSCON CAPACITY”:
- Scenario 1 – HOW IT WAS: standard scenario prior to “Corona Crisis”. Evaluation of standard / normal KPIs as they had not been affected by “Corona-distress” yet.
E. g. the average utilisation of terminal yards, berth planning, STS-utilisation a. s. o.
- Scenario 2 – HOW IT IS: present scenario as affected by “Corona”: interrupted / unregular vessel schedule; elongated dwell times; changed import/export balance; reduction of labour force resulting in lower quantity of deployable gangs; change in “package size”. Comparison of KPIs of Scenario 1 and Scenario 2.
- Scenario 3 – WHAT ARE WAYS OUT: recovery of the terminal: in this case it is a vital information for the terminal to figure out how long it might take to get back to a normal cargo flow and the former level of productivity … we offer simulations in up to three loops: in these, as a result, we want to discuss the results with you to help you making better decisions manoeuvring the terminal out of the crises. Setting the right course again.
- AND, WHAT IS MORE: we would have two or three sub-scenarios to be simulated and discussed as we are talking about general capacity Impact.
What’s the way? What’s behind it?
1st step: Contact us with your details until June 9th.
2nd step: We draw two terminals from all the contacts.
3rd step: You are selected and have won one of our packages
4sh step: We will contact you with further details and requests for information.
All others will also be contacted for more information about our CHESSCON tool family.
For step 1: You just contact us via the provided link and declare your interest in our free-of-charge simulation assessment based on CHESSCON capacity.
If you are selected, we contact you on June 10th, 2020, and you are one of the two lucky winners.
In a brief introduction call, we will introduce the details and provide you with a pre-defined Excel-Sheet for collecting all necessary data to run the simulated scenario-simulations and a basic layout and figures of your container terminal.
Just fill in this contact form and you will have the chance to get the free-of-charge simulation assessment with CHESSCON by AKQUINET. Do you have questions? Don't hesitate to contact us.